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Ayurvet Knowledge Symposium 2014

Ayurvet Knowledge Symposium was organized in collaboration with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAJUVAS) in New Delhi on 8th and 9thOctober 2014 on the theme of, “Integrating Agriculture and Livestock for Sustainability with focus on challenges of climate change and food safety.

The Chief Guest of the symposium was H.E. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India. The symposium was also graced by Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhary (Advisor to the Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India), Shri. Mansinhbhai Kalyanji Patel (SUMUL, Chairman), Dr. P. K. Aggarwal (Regional Program Leader (South Asia), CGIAR Research Program on Climate change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) – International Water Management Institute), Prof. (Dr.) Col. A. K. Gahlot (Vice Chancellor, RAJUVAS, Bikaner), Dr .A.K. Srivastava (Director and Vice Chancellor-NDRI Karnal), Dr. V. P. Singh (Director- Crop and Research, All India Rice Exporters Association) and Dr. S. K. Malhotra (Horticulture Commissioner, Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture). In addition the foreign delegates from Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Yemen, Kenya, Malaysia and US also participated and contributed in the deliberations.

The symposium was attended by more than 350 delegates on National and International repute along with media personnel, farmers and students from management institutes and schools.

On 9th evening the Ayurvet Annual Report and Corporate Sustainability Report were released. It was followed by the musical event and long service awards. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Pradip Burman, Chairman, Ayurvet Limited appreciated the work of Ayurvet team members and thanked all the stakeholders without whose support the company could not have achieved the new landmarks.

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